söndag 10 maj 2020

Install MySQL Cluster Manager "MCM" using Systemd

For more information on how to create a service look at man systemd.service


Directory for MCM installation is /opt Download latest tar package of MCM from edelivery.oracle.com or support.oracle.com (today this is package: MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.8 TAR for Generic Linux x86 (64bit))
Run commands below once you have downloaded the MCM package:
sudo su -
cd /opt
tar xzf /tmp/mcm-1.4.8-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit.tar.gz
mv mcm-1.4.8-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit mcm
cp /opt/mcm/mcm1.4.8/etc/mcmd.ini /opt/mcm/
mkdir /opt/mcm/mcm_data
Set manager-directory to folder /opt/mcm/mcm_data in configuration file:
cat /opt/mcm/mcmd.ini | sed 's/^##manager-directory.*/manager-directory = \/opt\/mcm\/mcm_data/' >> /opt/mcm/mcmd.ini
Structure should be:

 Folder mcm_data is where all data on disk will be stored by default.
 Folder mcmN.N.N contains installed version of MCM.

Systemd configuration

Create user to run the MCM service:
sudo useradd --no-create-home -s /bin/false mcm
sudo chown -R mcm:mcm /opt/mcm
Create systemd file:
Make sure to update path to correct version of mcm binaries in mcm service file below.
Create file /etc/systemd/system/mcm.service like below.
Description=MySQL Cluster Manager


ExecStart=/opt/mcm/mcm1.4.8/bin/mcmd --defaults-file=/opt/mcm/mcmd.ini

Start and enable service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start mcm
sudo systemctl enable mcm
sudo systemctl status mcm
If the service is not started correctly, look in messages file: sudo tail -150f /var/log/messages  

Remember to set option StopOnError to 0 when creating your cluster so mcmd can restart failed data nodes (set StopOnError:ndbmtd=0 mycluster;).
You can find this and many other MySQL guides here: https://github.com/wwwted

Happy Clustering!

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